(Daily prayer follows after this short introduction)

What kind of prayers does God listen to?

Prayers for strength...requests for good health... for healing... for a happy marriage... help for a loved one... help for your finances... for a better life...a stable life...a peaceful life... to save your relationship...find someone special for you...to deal with any personal problem... help you with your fears... your anxieties...your loneliness...help you control your emotions (such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, apathy, depression...etc.)...your disappointments...addictions (whether it's drugs, alcoholism, obsessive spending...etc.)...??

What if I were to tell you that He listens to none of that, would it shock you or even surprise you?

I hope not.

First, God listens to your heartfelt desire to communicate with Him because you love Him as your Father; words without faithful love for Him mean nothing...so speaking to God because you want something for yourself means nothing...

Secondly, when you love God, you don't "pray" to Him, like some kind of formality...communicate with Him as someone you genuinely love...

This is what Daily Communication Prayer to God is all about; to teach you how to communicate with the Lord the way he wants to hear from you...

Friday, November 2, 2012

(morning communication)

Good Morning Lord!

Wow, I feel rested and in peace after yesterday's busy day...

Lord, it was a day of various challenges that I took care of, one issue at a time. I thank you for pumping me with the Holy Spirit power that gave me the supercharged ability to handle it all.

Even paying my hefty bills (hey, 1st of the month!) didn't seem too heavy a burden on me because you sustained my finances Father...

No, I'm not rich by any means, but you sustain me, provide for me in ways that I cannot explain;

No, it isn't money falling from the sky, no freebies...but you've always been there, in the sidelines, always providing for me, sustaining me...

You Lord are my life-support system in everything that I am, everything that I did, and everything that I will do...

I am grateful.

You've always answered me when I communicated with you, relieving me of my distress by receiving my heart-felt signals to you.

I am not immune to disappointments and evil intentions; like everyone Father, I am a target of the Dark Prince...this is why I speak out to you Lord (your new journey on How To Defeat Satan is a must read).

My soul understands that you are there Father. It just simply knows that you hear my communications to you (I don't want to call it prayer Lord...the word seems too institutional to me. I just want to talk to you, openly, like son to father...no formality. Just communication)...

This morning Lord, I want to declare that I know you. That you are my provider; I know you understand my needs and I really don't have to request anything because you know already what I need.

But I know that you still want to hear it; you want me to state my trust in you...

You want me to declare and request help...

That's ok, after all, what can a son do but request?

I also know my confidence in you Father,  that you've never let me down.

I, and only I have let myself down; sometimes random circumstances have caused me to let myself down...

But you've been there as my wake-up call.

So here I go: I declare health, blessings and favor in my life today, and hopeful that the rest of the world will come to you in Jesus (who has shown us the peaceful path to your glory Father).

I declare that I will not dwell in arrogance or evil intention in my heart...

I declare through the power of your Holy Spirit that no arrogance or evil intention from others will penetrate me in any way...you hate those who try to infect your children with evil intent.

And as a father, you do protect those who depend on you...

You despise deceitful plots from those who think they can get away with it...they forget to realize that you see everything Lord. Nothing is hidden from you.

I'm not peerfect Lord; I am merely human and I will make mistakes intentional or unintentional...

Kindly forgive me as I earnestly seek to dwell in your house, sit by your porch, and gaze in peace at your marvelous miracle of life.

I will go out this day, and once again live a full day's life with your blessings Father, fearless yet humbly knowing that you are my instrument of safety and blessings in everything that I will do today.

Thanks Father...

(GM Evagrius)