Reaching out in daily communication prayer to God, the way He wants you to...
(Daily prayer follows after this short introduction)
What kind of prayers does God listen to?
Prayers for strength...requests for good health... for healing... for a happy marriage... help for a loved one... help for your finances... for a better life...a stable life...a peaceful life... to save your relationship...find someone special for deal with any personal problem... help you with your fears... your anxieties...your you control your emotions (such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, apathy, depression...etc.)...your disappointments...addictions (whether it's drugs, alcoholism, obsessive spending...etc.)...??
What if I were to tell you that He listens to none of that, would it shock you or even surprise you?
I hope not.
First, God listens to your heartfelt desire to communicate with Him because you love Him as your Father; words without faithful love for Him mean speaking to God because you want something for yourself means nothing...
Secondly, when you love God, you don't "pray" to Him, like some kind of formality...communicate with Him as someone you genuinely love...
This is what Daily Communication Prayer to God is all about; to teach you how to communicate with the Lord the way he wants to hear from you...
What kind of prayers does God listen to?
Prayers for strength...requests for good health... for healing... for a happy marriage... help for a loved one... help for your finances... for a better life...a stable life...a peaceful life... to save your relationship...find someone special for deal with any personal problem... help you with your fears... your anxieties...your you control your emotions (such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, apathy, depression...etc.)...your disappointments...addictions (whether it's drugs, alcoholism, obsessive spending...etc.)...??
What if I were to tell you that He listens to none of that, would it shock you or even surprise you?
I hope not.
First, God listens to your heartfelt desire to communicate with Him because you love Him as your Father; words without faithful love for Him mean speaking to God because you want something for yourself means nothing...
Secondly, when you love God, you don't "pray" to Him, like some kind of formality...communicate with Him as someone you genuinely love...
This is what Daily Communication Prayer to God is all about; to teach you how to communicate with the Lord the way he wants to hear from you...
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Dear Father, Lord God,
I've come to realize something important today...about you Father, and about me...
But first...
Yesterday I mentioned how I know that your Spirit and life-force is in everything...
It's in the air;
It's in the animals;
It's in the insects;
It's in rocks;
It's in the water;
It's in the fire;
It's in me;
It's in us;
It's in everything that exists.
I know this now...
Right down to the atoms and molecules that exist in this universe...the living and the inert...
Your life-force is in all Father.
If I only thought about the wonder of the world...
It's vastness;
It's magnitude;
It's powerful presence;
It's untamed nature (if we don't subdue it);
It's reclaiming nature (take back what we have claimed);
It's danger;
It's beauty...
Then I come to realize another angle of your own nature Father:
You are a provider;
You are a resource-giver;
You are a life-supporter;
You are a challenge-giver;
You are a goals-generator;
You are a wisdom-dispenser;
You are a solution-provider;
You are a saver;
You are a teacher...
(now back to what I realized...)
But there is one thing you are not...
Of all the things that you are, there is ONE thing you are not:
You are not forceful;
You don't want worship from the point of a gun;
No coercion-prayer...
You wait patiently for us to make contact with you...
You don't force it;
You let life happen;
You let good and bad happen;
You let people make choices;
You leave people alone...
But there is one thing that you do Father in all of us...
The one thing that we cannot avoid;
We cannot ignore, even if we try;
Even if some don't believe in you;
Or simply ignore you...
This is what I mean:
You are in us...
You are in me...
You are in all.
As much as anyone tries to deny this one single fact...
No one can deny the inner feeling that there is something out there;
Something inside of me beckoning me toward the beyond;
A link to something;
An inner signal;
A feeling;
A wanting to reach out.
It is you Father.
You want contact from me, and with every one of us...
You want us all to tune-in to you...get in touch with you.
Actually, you see that your seed within us is working all over the world...peoples and cultures trying to make contact...different religions...
But the Evil One is always trying to keep us away from staying in-touch with you Lord...
(Satan works behind the scenes...find out how, and boost your faith...)
Yet more and more of us Lord are turning to you in grateful and heartfelt communication...mainly because of this feeling that is within us...
Some follow the feeling and search for the ultimate contact...
Some ignore it as some kind a psychological glitch...
I say that you are inviting me Lord, an invitation implanted in me since I was discover during my life journey, and to pursue it as part of your plan for my salvation and blessings...
And with Jesus my mentor and savior, I find that my communications to you is wide open...Father, it is so easy...
I just reach out with my heart to you Father...
Thank You Lord!
(GM Evagrius)