Good Morning Father!
Always nice to have these moments of communication prayer with you Lord, although I want to tell you that I try to stay tuned-in to you all day long even without words...just a feeling of reaching out to you with a sincere heart, with the anticipation of blessings and anointing coming from you...
I trust that you are with me all the way...
Yesterday Father I had challenges in my life that could have developed into other problems as well...even as I journey through life with my thoughts tuned-in to you, there are always circumstances that the Evil One can engage against me from an angle that I could not anticipate...
Yes Satan tried to sabotage my life-balance, and almost made me forget you Father; I almost did not detect it because emotions took over, and sometimes the human factor can overtake the divine factor...
(This free book can reveal how Satan uses his ultra-secret weapons to sabotage your faith...)
Forgive my moments of weakness Lord...
I always depend on your anointing power...
Yet sometimes when I feel I can go at it alone without your help, I find myself getting into the earthly distractions that can unbalance the joyful bliss of my journey here on earth with you...
These moments of disconnection from you Lord are not so pleasant because other voids open up and cause an emptiness in me that can be filled with earthly pleasures...
I know that these earthly pleasures Lord are all temporary fixes; the inner void cannot be filled through the natural...there is the danger of getting addicted to the natural and totally ignoring the supernatural...
I know this, yet I sometimes fall into anger, jealousy, envy, insensitivity...
At the same time Father, you've enable me to detect the incoming assaults...thanks your coaching Lord, it is paying off...
I am remind through your Word in Jesus that I am able to stay out of the darkness and remain in the light of life (John 8:12)...
I know that through anointing and incoming blessings, I can remain in the light, and enjoy all the goodness the world can offer, so long as I am tuned-in to you Father...
You make all things balance out for the better Lord...
It brings me hope, knowing that you are always there to help me...
My natural experience in life, and your supernatural help are making my journey fun, especially when I realize that all things are manageable in me with your help...
I offer you my gratitude Lord this day...
(GM Evagrius)
Reaching out in daily communication prayer to God, the way He wants you to...
(Daily prayer follows after this short introduction)
What kind of prayers does God listen to?
Prayers for strength...requests for good health... for healing... for a happy marriage... help for a loved one... help for your finances... for a better life...a stable life...a peaceful life... to save your relationship...find someone special for deal with any personal problem... help you with your fears... your anxieties...your you control your emotions (such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, apathy, depression...etc.)...your disappointments...addictions (whether it's drugs, alcoholism, obsessive spending...etc.)...??
What if I were to tell you that He listens to none of that, would it shock you or even surprise you?
I hope not.
First, God listens to your heartfelt desire to communicate with Him because you love Him as your Father; words without faithful love for Him mean speaking to God because you want something for yourself means nothing...
Secondly, when you love God, you don't "pray" to Him, like some kind of formality...communicate with Him as someone you genuinely love...
This is what Daily Communication Prayer to God is all about; to teach you how to communicate with the Lord the way he wants to hear from you...
What kind of prayers does God listen to?
Prayers for strength...requests for good health... for healing... for a happy marriage... help for a loved one... help for your finances... for a better life...a stable life...a peaceful life... to save your relationship...find someone special for deal with any personal problem... help you with your fears... your anxieties...your you control your emotions (such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, apathy, depression...etc.)...your disappointments...addictions (whether it's drugs, alcoholism, obsessive spending...etc.)...??
What if I were to tell you that He listens to none of that, would it shock you or even surprise you?
I hope not.
First, God listens to your heartfelt desire to communicate with Him because you love Him as your Father; words without faithful love for Him mean speaking to God because you want something for yourself means nothing...
Secondly, when you love God, you don't "pray" to Him, like some kind of formality...communicate with Him as someone you genuinely love...
This is what Daily Communication Prayer to God is all about; to teach you how to communicate with the Lord the way he wants to hear from you...