(Daily prayer follows after this short introduction)

What kind of prayers does God listen to?

Prayers for strength...requests for good health... for healing... for a happy marriage... help for a loved one... help for your finances... for a better life...a stable life...a peaceful life... to save your relationship...find someone special for you...to deal with any personal problem... help you with your fears... your anxieties...your loneliness...help you control your emotions (such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, apathy, depression...etc.)...your disappointments...addictions (whether it's drugs, alcoholism, obsessive spending...etc.)...??

What if I were to tell you that He listens to none of that, would it shock you or even surprise you?

I hope not.

First, God listens to your heartfelt desire to communicate with Him because you love Him as your Father; words without faithful love for Him mean nothing...so speaking to God because you want something for yourself means nothing...

Secondly, when you love God, you don't "pray" to Him, like some kind of formality...communicate with Him as someone you genuinely love...

This is what Daily Communication Prayer to God is all about; to teach you how to communicate with the Lord the way he wants to hear from you...

Monday, December 31, 2012


In as much as I have reached out to you...

Seeking you out;
Knocking at your door;
Asking you for strength, for helping me in my various issues and circumstances;
Requesting that you intervene in my life;
To lay your Hand on me and change my circumstances for the better;
And get me out of the situations that cause me discontent...

In as much as my hopes and expectations rest on you  Father...

I can declare in this daily communication prayer to you that:
I know that you defend me Lord;
I know that you are expecting me to strive forward Father in my contact with you;
I stumble and fall sometimes, and I lose my communication to you;
Yes I fall into what the world calls sin.

Well, I call it losing contact with you Lord...

Losing contact because I can be blamed for certain indiscretions;
Losing your blessings because I sometimes don't trust you Lord;
Having myself weakened and falling into disconnection from you Father...

I can tell you that I am trying to live a blameless life...

Not forcing it, just living life as simple as it can get for me;
To live it like Jesus showed me (and showed the world);
To see all things with expectations of joyful conclusions;
And to share the experience with you Father.

I am convinced that you are looking into my heart Lord...

You've been examining my mindset, my thinking;
To see how I'm doing with what you have given me;
You have detected that I live in fear Lord;
With uncertainty I walk the world;
With self-imposed limitations I live;
You've noticed that I don't trust you enough.

I am sorry Lord...life has been a tiresome adventure at times.

But in as much as I was like the prodigal son;
In as much as I treaded upon the world with disdain and personal ambition;
In as much as I stepped upon others to get what I wanted;
In as much as all those things, you did not forget me.

You watched me as I treaded upon the asps and the vipers of my life...

You viewed my progress;
You spied on my plans;
You saw the ambition;
You witnessed my secret plots;
You let me play out my story to see where I would go...because you wanted to see me finally come back to you.

But I wasn't coming back...I lived my life only in the natural, where all things were unfair in love and war...

So you brought me back Father;
You laid your powerful Hand upon me;
You intervened and changed my plans;
You ripped away my natural plots;
You wanted me back.

So I too sat by my own rivers of Babylon...

I too experienced a sense of exile from you;
Where all was lost;
Where all ambition left;
Where fortunes were lost;
Alone with a sense of abandon.

Yet you have never left me from your sight Father...

You have re-built me;
Strengthened me;
Re-supplied me;
Blessed me;
Provided more-than-enough for me.

With my return to your house Lord...

You have robed me with the finest;
The golden ring on my finger;
Risen me from the ashes;
Restored my fortunes;

All because I returned to you...

And conscious of your unfailing love for me;
You Lord, ran to me...I feel so unworthy for having you do that Father;
I should have been running back to you;
But you ran back to me instead...

There is no greater love than yours Lord...

You have proven it to me;
You've shown me;
You've demonstrated it to me (and still do)...

Now you can look into my heart Father and see my gratitude...

As I am mindful of your unfailing love;
I am mindful of your presence in my life and those who I share it;
And you know now Father how I rely on your faithfulness.

This is why Father I ask that you continue to support me and strengthen me...

Against the challenges I face;
Support my victories;
Destroy and confound any enemies in my life (within me or outside);
Inject me with your Holy Spirit power that I may live in joy knowing that you are with me all the days of my life...

Thank You Father...

(from GM Evagrius)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dear Lord,

I was listening to a pastor preaching this morning...

The words were inspiring and promising...

The words inspired hope...

The words energized...

But I know that faith without a heartfelt desire to stay in-contact with you Lord means nothing...

If I don't have the heartfelt desire to be hanging-out with you spiritually Father, I am just "playing religion," like most folks do out there in the world...

Most people are simply playing a game...

Many are playing it just in case you are real Lord...

Others just go through the motions because it has become a tradition...

The Bible says that faith without works is dead...

But I also say that works without faith are also dead...dead to you Father, out of contact...

The Evil One of the world prefers it that way: that I follow good deeds, follow the law of the land, be a "good citizen" for the sake of stability in society...

(Read about Satan's clever, and ultimately clandestine campaign against you, against your faith...free read.)

I agree with all that...

But without being in-touch with you Lord, I feel that there is no meaning in what I do...disconnected.

Somehow, I sense within that there is more...

Even if I did not know about you before...

Even if no one had ever shown me what faith is all about...

I feel that my own soul would ask itself about the spiritual...the beyond.

It's something that's built-in...

You put it in there Lord...

It is natural for anyone to think about it because we are all spiritual in nature...

Your Spirit is part of us Lord...a member of our life-force...

Without you, I feel alone, open to Nature's forces, tempted to lose control...invited to do things that are wrong...for what else if there to control you except other people and man-made rules...?

That's not enough...

We all have a spirit within that cries out for connection...

But connection to what?

To whom?

We all try to connect to other people...

Rely on dead things like the job, the social club, personal objects that we covet...

All that in order to feel some kind of security and belonging...

But all that is also temporary...

You Lord are permanent, and I like that!

I know you've been gracious to me Lord...even though I oftentimes have not been gracious to you due to life's circumstances that cross my path...

Sorry about that...

I sometimes feel alone and beaten-up by life and its demands on me...as if I don't have time for myself...

I should know by now that you always relieve the troubles of my heart Lord...you release me from my inner anxieties...

You see my issues and worries and you relieve me of these...

I have plenty of circumstances that interfere with my life Father, that trigger reactions from me that are not helping me...I forget your training, and I fall more on natural reactions...

They don't help much...

That's why in this daily communication prayer to you Lord, I just want to graciously ask (and I know I don't have to ask because you are already doing so-I just need to connect to you)...

...that you continue guarding my life and those who I love, and rescue me from the circumstances in my life...

Take me away from being shamed due to rash decisions and inappropriate actions and comments...

All in the name of being connected to you Father, and to live a healthy,  natural life as you had intended me to live...

And to remain within your house Lord, taking permanent refuge...

Using the integrity and uprightness that you bestow on me Lord...

Using your protection to live a righteous and fun life in these modern times...

I do so hoping in you Lord...

And in this hope, the expectations like that of a child...

To receive your anointing...

To sense your blessings in my life and those that I love...

To feel Christ's character melding with mine...

That all evil intentions against me in thought-word-deed are deflected away...

And that the energy that you provide through the Spirit grabs me, and heals all my afflictions...

And increases my hope in you Lord.

Thank you Lord...

(from GM Evagrius)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Good Day Lord,

I am grateful for my overnight sleep, and to wake up with thoughts of gratitude and spiritual satisfaction that you watch over me Lord...

I strive to remain in tune with you, in spite of the oncoming challenges of the physical world...

I am not perfect Father...

I have plenty of faults...some that I cannot control as I would like to...

I know your training Lord...you suggest that I turn my thinking to you, to place myself in the cover of your wings...

And you do take care of my circumstances...

You restore all balance in my life...

Only that the balance is not permanent in this world...

Your restoration comes and goes...

It isn't a one-shot deal...

You've made it so that I always need to strive for your blessings and favor...

Let's not deny this fact: you want me to continually strive for you Lord...

You want to see my voluntary sending out of my heartfelt longing for you...to show you my loving intention to you...

I'm ok with it...I understand that all things are transient, temporary Father...

You made things in this world to be temporary...

But you are permanent...you are the only permanent One Lord...

I seek out the permanent, the infinite...

It certainly isn't this world...

So I point out to you Father...

I say "it is You Father I seek" to reach my hand out spiritually...

Who is the permanent one who can provide constant blessings...?

Who is the one who overcomes all the earthly stupidity...?

Who is the one who can intervene on my behalf...?

Who is the one that will smash down all evil...?

Who is the perfect vindicator...?

It is you Father...

So I turn to you Lord, and reach out to you with my body-mind-soul, and wait in childlike expectation for your great interventions...

Thanks Lord...

(from GM Evagrius)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Lord, Good Morning!

Sometimes Lord, I am confronted by situations that are out of my control, yet affect me anyhow...

The situations may come from other people, from circumstances that affect them, and it turn, affect me...

Those circumstances affect me too Lord, make me angry, hateful, discouraged, not wanting to strive forward...

I can't help feel that way Father...I even sometimes feel that you have abandoned me too...

When my thoughts are tuned-in to you, all the earthly concerns seem to flutter away...

A sincere heart, and a real longing to reach out to you cancels all worries...

It doesn't cancel out any of my challenges in my life...it's just that you make my circumstances easier to manage...

But this is true for me Father...when I turn to you, I am comforted.

And when I am comforted, I can sense my contact with you, my reaching out into the spiritual universe to sense you...

It's no illusion...if I can have a longing to reach out to you, it means that you put it there so I can ...
lift my mind-body and soul and tune-into you Lord...

I realize that the Evil One wants me to use my God-given abilities to live only a natural life, to use my strength and creativity to material pursuits...

(See what secrets Satan uses against you...free read.)

But I cannot look at life with only my natural eyes...my soul senses a longing, I sense a desire to reach out to you Father...

I can sense what Jesus was saying when he mentored us...when he mentored me...

When he left his instructions for me...

He simplified my communication to you Lord...

Now I can follow your instructions in this modern world, and live in prosperity...

I pray that from my own actions, my descendants will inherit your blessings too Father...

All because I turn to you in childlike dependence...

Because only you can free me from earthly traps Lord...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Good Day Father!

This morning, I looked at my Christmas tree Father, all lit and beautiful, all decorated...a fun expression of joy...

In my admiration of this magnificent tree that has adorned my home this holiday season, I am inspired by your creation Father to declare in this morning's daily prayer to you:

By looking at this wonderful pine tree, all decorated by the ornaments made by other people to enjoy...

That you Lord are good...you have made us creative...

We have powerful imaginations...

You have inspired us and lead us throughout the ages to develop...

Lord, you have taken us out of the natural ignorance of this world, and to follow your ways of genius...

We have developed and progressed...

It hasn't been an easy progress...

The Evil One has placed turmoil in our evolution, always trying to cut us off from you Father...

The Evil One has delayed our progress through wars and petty misunderstandings...sometimes placing ignorant people to unknowingly (even knowingly) lead the world backwards...

(Read about Satan's ultra-secret weapons he uses against you...)

But you are always there Lord to lead us...

You inspire us to follow the uncomplicated way to life and to enjoy our creativity...

Your Ultimate Champion of the world, Jesus, mentors us to the simple ways of faithful contact with you...

You let us tune-in to you, to reach you spiritually...

And you do remain faithful to those who are faithful to you in Christ...

To those of us who agree to remain in your covenant you make the challenges of life less daunting...

For both faithful and unfaithful must undergo the challenges of life...but the burden of those who are faithful is light, the fruits of their labors are better enjoyed...

I know it Father, I have experienced it...

This is why Lord I declare that you forgive my sins, and to allow me to continue in my progress with your blessings and favor...

Let your increase in my life equal all the needles of all the pine trees standing in the world today...

Let the fragrance of your blessings be as wonderful as the fragrance of a Christmas pine tree...

Thank You Lord...

(GM Evagrius)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hello Lord!

I love Christmas Father...do you know why?

It's an event that brings together a host of moments...

Bringing together the family...

Bringing together friends...

Enjoying each other...

Catching up on things...

A celebration...

But most important Lord, all the above happens because we commemorate the birth of our Savior Jesus...

From the moment of his birth, Jesus was developing our salvation...

By the time He left us, Jesus had set the stage and saved us...

There's never been a greater gift to mankind than this...

And I thank you for it Lord...

In this daily communication prayer to you Lord, and in this season of celebration commemorating the arrival of our Saviour Christ...

I declare my trust in you...

You have kept me from falling any more than I already had because your Hand sustains me...

Since my rebirth, you have been my triumph over my enemies (whether the enemy is within me or outside of me)...

Yet I have come to realize that you have always been my triumph...I just never looked before...

But I do now Father...

I know that I will triumph when I hope in you Lord, and I will never be shamed...

Your supernatural force protects me...

After all, you are God, the ultimate power, the owner of this universe...

For those who try to shame your children in Christ, they themselves shall be shamed...and I have seen it in my life Lord...

Even if the Evil One tries to assault me in various ways available to him, I strive to stay in contact with you Lord...

(Revealed to you are Satan's ultra-secret weapons against you...the cause of all discontent...a free gift-read for you...)

You have revealed your ways to me Father in the most unlikely of places and situations...

You have taught me your ways, and you have guided me in your paths...and I know that you are continuing to guide me...

And I have remained thirsty to stay in-tune with you Lord...

I have decided consciously that I will hope in you all my days, expecting your love for me Lord and the same great mercy that you have shown humanity over the ages...

For if you had not shown us mercy, we would have destroyed ourselves long ago...

I haven't been a perfect person Father, but I know that you have forgiven me...

You also know how you can touch my heart and bring me closer to you...

You have already realized that I am not a hard person...yet the evil world sometimes forces me to be...

But I declare that I keep your commandments...

I want to stay in-touch spiritually...

Stay in-tune...


Thank You for listening Father.

(from GM Evagrius)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to all who see this post (and even to those who don't see it)!

Today is a celebration of a miraculous birth...although as a Christian I celebrate Christ's birth every day of my life, giving thanks to God for Jesus...

And today in the daily communication prayer to God, I declare a great thank you to the Lord for sending us the savior of the world...

For Jesus who came to reconnect us with the Father...

For Christ who showed us the way to stay in-contact with God...and remove us from 'playing religion' and getting really tuned-in to the Father...

For our mentor Jesus who took away the sins of the world...cleaned us up...

Who re-aligned us to face the Lord, and to show us how to re-establish contact with Him...and not just pretend...

For the Christ who has opened the doors to the supernatural blessings and favor that come from God in each of us who believe...

To those of us who reach out to God with a sincere and heartfelt spirit...who no longer see with our eyes, but with our souls, 360 degrees...

I turn to you Father this very day in joy and celebration as I always do, shrugging off the earthly circumstances that try to derail me...

I steer away from the situations that Satan tries to use against me and connection to you Father...

(My Chistmas gift to you...revealing Satan's secret weapons against you...)

I follow your undisputed champion of the world, Jesus, who has shown us how to live a happy life without complications...

To never doubt your presence amongst us...

To feel always anointed in spite of the situations against us...

We shall overcome...

We shall overpower...

We shall overwhelm...

We shall over-deliver joy...

We shall remain in-tune with God overall...

All through my mentor Jesus...

And I thank you Lord for Jesus...

I know you love us Lord, and sending Jesus is the proof...

That's why I don't say Happy Holidays...


(from GM Evagrius)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

We're just a couple of days away from Christmas Lord...

But for me, Christmas is every day!

I am grateful everyday for your gift to us all Father: Jesus...

I am equally grateful to you Father...

You are the creator of the world...you own it all...

You own me, everything that is material is yours Father...


So why is it Lord that the world is in such a sorry state?

Why are there wars, and wife-beatings, and rapes, and conspiracies, and hatred...etc?

Why do people want to play god, enslave people, subjugate and control?

Are we so uncontrollable Father?

Are we animals?

Yet for those of us Lord who climb your mountain to reach you...

To reach your house at the top of the hill...

To enter your house with a sincere and loving heart...

Trusting in you Father...I am not trusting in money, power, or position; these are idols that I will not subject myself to.

Money, position, power, objects are not my god...they are just tools that come and go...

My blessings come from you Father...

You are my anointing, blessing, defender, my enhancer...

You are the source of my joy Lord...my first and foremost source...

You are also my source of defense, which Satan tries so hard to make me forget...

But how can I forget after all that you have done for me Father?

Every time I have an issue, any issue...I only need to talk to you...

Things just fall into place when I talk to you...

I like it a lot!

I like the blessings I receive from you...

But I'm also grateful for letting me know that I can receive your blessings when I call out to you with pure sincerity...

That you have trained me to detect Satan's attacks against me, and to expulse them from my life...

Thanks Lord

(GM Evagrius)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lord,I mentioned yesterday that I can detect when the Evil One tries to infiltrate my life and cut me away from you...

He will use people, circumstances, events, random and planned...

He will use big or small...

He will use important and not-so-important situations...

But mostly, the Evil One will use daily life and its challenges to de-rail me from you Father...

(See how Satan tries to distance you from God...the secret weapons you never thought of before...revealed to you...a free read...)

Satan will use my work, the people I work with, my money, my success, my failures...anything that can take my spiritual signal away from you Father...

It's what he wants the most Lord: that I am disconnected from you...

That your blessings do not come to me...

That your anointing does not pour on me...

That the Christ-like faith doesn't envelop me...

That your defence of my entire life does not happen...

That the evolution of my soul does not expand to the levels you intended...

Satan wants me to fall...

He wants to see me lose spiritual grip...

That the heavens in which you reside Father is too distant for me...

Impossible for me to get close to you...

But I know his secrets now...

I know his inner plot against me...

To destroy my spiritual mindset so that my signal out to you gets lost...it never finds you...

I know this now Lord...

I also feel that in you I lack nothing...my signal remains constant at you...

I send out my signal to you with intention, with heartfelt meaning...

And I believe that my signal is received in your house...

I can see that I do receive your blessings for me Father...

By the green pastures of an abundant life that you provide for me...

The still waters of a quiet and fulfilled spirit within me...

And the more I keep my signal strong in you Lord, the more you guide me in the righteous path...

I live, work, and play in a world that has so much to offer...and can so easily distract me away from you in so many ways...

But when I keep my focus on you first Lord, all things fall into their logical place...

I know I am not forsaken by you...so I am not afraid...

I share a spiritual romance with you Father, and I feel safe in your house...

More importantly, you protect me as a father does...keeps me safe from harm...

As long as my sincere heart reaches out to you Lord, I know that you will set events and circumstances to enhance and improve my situation...

You keep me in spiritual understanding so that I know when I am living in you and when I am living outside of you...

My life's circumstances prove this...

It is a wonderful spiritual mystery...!

So I declare in this daily communication prayer to you Lord, that I appreciate you...

And I only ask that you look into my heart...

See my ambition to be always in-touch with you all the days of my life...regardless of how busy I get with living an earthly life...

That I do so with a sincere and heartfelt intention...unconditionally...

I know that you will send rewards Lord to me without me asking...

Thank You Lord!

(from GM Evagrius)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Hello Lord!

My days are shining bright when I think of you first in my waking moment...it really is a joy...

Oftentimes when I wake up, I am thinking more about rushing to get up to do to work, to fight the traffic, to deal with all my challenges...

I know now Father that my road is with you...

No, you are not a cult...

No, you are not a dictator...

You are God who senses one's faith coming from the heart, sincere and loving, like a child to a father...

I reach out to you exactly like that Lord...I tune-in to your loving-kindness...

You are not a dictator Lord as others might think of you...

You are a God of freedom, of creative license...of free expression...

You allow me all to learn and expand so that eventually I will evolve to know you intimately...

You are not a confining God, but one who dispenses spiritual expansion...

In other words you are a three-dimensional God, My God...

I love you!!!

Blessings and favor come to those who love you with a sincerity that goes beyond the limits of the natural...

But I know that the Evil One is always trying to keep me away from you Lord...he keeps plotting and planting obstructions with every step that I make in thought, word, or deed...

(Satan's secret plans you've never thought of before are revealed right here...free for you to read and transform...!)

I am guilty of making mistakes in my life Father...I know this and acknowledge it...

If I hadn't received your blessings in the past, it was due to my disconnection from you...

If I waited for your favor and it never arrived, it was because I wasn't tuned-in to you...

It wasn't your fault Lord...

And yes, I would blame you...

I would even come to hate you...I didn't understand the truth back then...

I was only "playing religion...."

Nothing is gained when "playing religion" but frustration all around...

Billions are victim of this Lord...forgive them, for they don't know what they do...

They haven't seen the savior Jesus, the Christ, my Liberator...they haven't yet found Jesus, the Freedom-fighter...

They are like I was...

Asking where are you...

Why aren't you saving them...Why you don't answer their calls for help...

They have fallen into the Evil One's trap and can't get out...

I declare in this daily communication prayer...

I pray that the whole world finds Jesus the Liberator, the spiritual freedom-fighter...

The Christ who simplifies faith in you, taking then away from complications...from the Evil One...

And in child-like faith they return to you Lord...

As for me Lord, you have opened my eyes...

I see the joy in everything you have created...

Negative circumstances are meant to be overcome...you have made me an overcomer Lord...

I am enabled to overcome all things in Christ, and in your Spirit Lord...

Circumstances are trying to put me down...to question if you are still there to help me Lord...

But I detect Satan's game-plan,, to cut me off from you Lord...

I know his secrets...

If you haven't done it yet, discover Satan's real secrets against you now...free read

Thursday, December 20, 2012


I appreciate you...

You are the apple of my eye...

You are my fullness, my completion...

In you I have no lack or unfulfilled desire...

Because of what you do for me Father, I sense that I am never alone...

Even though the Evil One is always looking for ways to distract me...by using people and circumstances to get me out of tune from you...

Even though things don't turn out the way I figured (and it affects me in some way)...

(Your greatest spiritual revelation toward spiritual liberation is here...read it for free and never be Satan's victim again...)

I turn to you Father for help...

I speak out my problem to you...

I say it as a point of fact, a situation that attempts to cut me off from you...I try not to complain...

I speak your Word on the issue...

I speak it with truth and sincerity...a heartfelt and honest expression...

Again, I don't complain; I just express the situation that bothers me Father...

Complaining about it does nothing...like trying to dig a hole in water: it does nothing constructive...

I do recognize though that a situation may lure me away from you Lord, keeping me away from intended blessings...situations that intend to block me from my relationship with you Father...

And as I am lured away from some circumstance, I see that my fortunes change, your favor is no longer there...

And the more I am lured away, the more I am steered off-course from you, and the less I receive from you...

I do feel being cut-off...

I am buried in a dust-cloud that overwhelms me...

But when I remain faithful to you Lord...

When I spiritually bow down and seek shelter in your embrace...

When I huddle in your arms and whisper my situation with child-like expectation...

All things change...

You change them Lord toward the better...

Circumstances big or small, it doesn't matter...you make them change for the better Father...

I see it happening in my life...exactly as it is done...

You rescue me out of the deep waters of my life...

I declare that my life is indeed a miracle of fine-tuned balance...

No, I am not a millionaire...life-balance does not necessarily come from being rich, right?

But a heart in the right place, next you Lord is the most wealthy...

Situations are changed for the better...

Bad circumstances are improved...

Your Grace showers me with favor...

Your healing improves me...

I am increased in blessings...

I feel the joy of a child again...

Wisdom and knowing you Father envelops me...

So I rejoice in you Lord knowing that you have heard my requests...

And you have greeted me with blessings...

I searched, and I found...

I asked, and I received...

I knocked, and you opened the door...

You have granted me glory Father...

You have kept me healthy...

Victories and glorious splendor has been my reward for my loving you...and sticking by you.

My blessings are unending Lord because I stay committed to you...

Yes, I sometimes fall on the wayside...yet I detect it and fight to stay on course by staying in-tune with you Father...

I know what it is to be granted favor from you Father, and I like it...it is clean and without condition...

And I want more of you Lord....

I feel like a little kid dancing around his dad in pure joy for being together...

Your constant and unconditional love makes me like a kid again, and I feel reborn...

I will not be shaken, even though I will be interfered with...

I will just speak out the Word Father, and with child-like expectation I know that you will prevail for me....

Thanks Lord.

(from GM Evagrius)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good Day Father...

I woke up this morning Lord with a sense of mixed anticipation...

I woke up this morning wondering about the blessings that I have received thus far...

Sort of an accounting of what has become of me through your help Lord...

I feel a satisfaction in my spirit, and I rejoice in it...

Yet I also feel guarded, Father...am I reaping your rewards properly?

Am I appreciating them as I should?

I don't want to abuse my blessings Lord...

In other words I sense fear of losing the rewards Father...

I sense that my inner being is trying to covet what you have granted...

I detect that my natural side is being miserly with the fruits you given me...fearing that I might lose what you have granted...

Like a child who was granted candy...not wanting to lose the candy...

I detect that the blessings are becoming my god...the rewards are becoming the idol...

(see Satan's secret works against you...the root cause of all your distress in your life...free read)

Human nature is funny Lord; we are always thirsty, never satisfied, constantly searching for new things to covet...

Even in my humility I sense the tempting idea of coveting my success, my advancements, your blessings...big or small.

When I sense an opportunity coming my way, the
opportunity tempts me to make it my god...

I find this fear of losing what I covet disgusting...

I see it happening all around me...we are all covetous...

We are all selfish, wanting more all the time...

The good news is that I detect it...you've granted me the knowledge of the ages...

I am not just a natural person; I am also spiritual...

All that I am, all that I do is both in the natural and spiritual...

There is only one way for me Father...to be in contact with you Lord...

I declare my first opportunity, my first ambition is to reach out to you spiritually...through the heart...

Tune-in spiritually to you Father...

Remain in-touch with you...

Stay under the cover of your wings Lord...

Bask in the warmth of your Holy Spirit, covered, cherished...

My contact with you is my first ambition, and so there is no fear...

There is no doubt or worry about today or tomorrow...

There is no insecurity about receiving blessings and favor in my life...

All falls into place automatically...

My mindset is balanced, and I will manage it all with the power granted to me by Your Spirit Lord...

I know I can have it all Lord, but first and foremost, it is you who is first in my life...

I open my heart to you with sincerity...

I know that your hand will handle all my doubts and insecurities...

You take hold of my enemies within me, and outside of me...

You fight my battles Lord, and consume my enemies in your eternal fire...

You elevate my love for you so that you are first in my life...you let me know this so I can really see it...

You push my doubts and fears aside, you re-align my mindset to the proper frequency, so that my soul is in touch with you...

I thank you and appreciate your help Father...and I accept today your blessings and increase in my life as a by-product of just being with you... 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hello Father God!

Today is another day with another set of challenges...

Challenges everywhere, from inside my heart and mind...and outside from various situations...

The world has become a very competitive place...

Everyone is seeking out to outdo their neighbours, their co-workers...show themselves better than others...

Attitudes are affected, mannerisms have degraded...

I sense that your world is becoming impersonal Father...or so I am led to believe...

Me greatest challenges actually come from inside of me Lord...

I sometimes doubt...

I sometimes get envious of others...

I sometimes feel I dislike someone...

I sometimes feel discouraged...

I sometimes get angry...

I sometimes feel helpless...

Sometimes I feel fed up with everything...

Yes Father, I sense these emotions (and others)...trying to invade my thoughts, my mindset...

They are trying to distance me from your love Father...

I realize that these are the tools that the Evil one is using against me...

(See how Satan tries to defeat you with his undetected weapons...it will open your eyes...free read)

My emotional mind sometimes falls into the trap and I fall...

Yet my awakened mind detects the weakness...

It isn't easy...

Sometimes my emotions cannot be helped...

I sometimes succumb to anger...

I fall to envy...

I fall to hate...

I fall to disappointment...

I fall to confusion...

With you by my side Lord, all these circumstances fall away...

When I set my mind on you Father as Jesus showed me, I find that all these things simply fall away...

I can speak the Word in any situation, and I know that you are helping defeat my inner and outer enemies...

A huge weight is lifted away from me...

All bad circumstances are resolved and life falls into a wonderful balance...

I realize Lord that it doesn't mean I will be a millionaire...

But then, being a millionaire no longer matters...

I understand a balanced life can come from a normal lifestyle, not lavish...

I declare that I shall not be a slave to money, but be free in Christ and free to enjoy the fruits of my labors in the way you want me to Lord...

I when I am tuned-in to  you Father, my heart rejoices because I see the victories coming my way...

I sense joy...

I sense fulfillment...

Blessings coming my way...

The victory crown on my head...

I ask Lord, and I receive it from you...

And I glory you in humble thanks Father...

The splendor and majesty you place upon me is far beyond my expectations...

But first of all Father, I rejoice in knowing that I am tuned-in to you, sitting in your house with you...

I can feel your presence and I like it...your ultimate love...

Your ultimate joy...

Your ultimate victory...

How can I be possibly shaken from outside situations when I am tuned-in to you Father God?

With my savior and Liberator Jesus coaching me on, how can I be shaken...

Unless I have doubts in my mind, I am convinced that I cannot be shaken away from you Lord...

If I do have doubts Father, please forgive me and help me with my doubts as I reach out to you in heartfelt and sincere intention...

Thank You Father.

(from GM Evagrius)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Good Morning Lord!

The snow is falling gently outside...I guess we just may have a white Christmas after all...

My daily communication prayer to you today Father is a declaration...

A declaration about how you change things for the better...for me and all of us in Christ, in Jesus who showed us all the way to freedom from spiritual oppression...

You started it all when you changed things with Abraham...and placed spiritual laws in place for our improvement...

You then gave Moses the ten commandments so you can make our lives simple and easy by following 'just ten rules' to a better life...

And then, trouble began Lord...

Man wanted to be god...

Religions were created, rituals and procedures were adopted...I realize the intentions were good...

But it actually disconnected your children...

And the Evil One, Satan, had taken advantage of this Father...generations of turmoil and death that continues to this day through hate and misunderstanding...

(Satan's secret campaign revealed here and now...free for you to discover)

We believed more in the system rather than believing in you Lord...

Our thoughts and minds were enriched by the beautiful wisdom you fed us...

But what good is it all if we are not connected to you?

And then Jesus came...

The Christ arrived to show us the way out...to rise above the earthly and send out our spiritual signal toward you Father...

He broke through the clutter and chatter of the earthly mind, and helped us project our spiritual communication to you...reconnected us...

I am deeply grateful for that Lord...

I am grateful for Jesus, the Liberator...

I pray that those who are not yet free in Christ, that they find the sweet spiritual fragrance of Freedom soon and to celebrate this with outbound joy...

You can change everything for us Lord...

We need only to look at your best option: Jesus...

Yes, other systems are available, but do not reach the expected conclusion: they remain always in doubt, in uncertainty, in the earthly...

You have offered joy to me Father...I only had to reach out, send out my signal to you...

My signal was: YES! I want it Father! I want freedom from the earthly limitations that man has created...

I want to rise above the natural in my spiritual pursuit, and join you in your house...then all else follows...You have done so already Father...

Reversals have changed to advancements...

Slow has changed to fast...

Crying has turned into laughter...

Anger has changed to happiness...

Complication is now simplicity...

You have done all this in my soul Lord...

I deeply appreciate it...

(from GM Evagrius)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Good Day Lord!

I am grateful for this moment to express in my daily communication prayer to you...

I am grateful for your answering my hopes...

I am grateful for helping in my problems...

I am grateful for assisting in my circumstances...

I am grateful for increasing me in so many ways...

And like Virgin Mary who rejoiced in being chosen to bring the Savior into the world (Luke 1:46-47)...

I too glorify you Father for saving me in Jesus...

I thank you for the gift of freedom in Jesus...

I appreciate Jesus for changing the world from a religion-driven system, and into a faith-driven system...

Thank you Father for Jesus my Liberator...

Through Jesus, I've learned to grow beyond religion and into pure and heartfelt faith in you...

I can now contact you Lord with a sincere and honest heart, hiding nothing from you Lord...

Satan wants me to think that I am alone and abandoned...that you are not thinking of me Lord, that I live in a void...

Satan wants me to think that Jesus isn't helping me...that other religious systems are better...

(A discussion about Satan can be found here...)

But I know better now Father...

I no longer depend on religion to be in contact with you...

Your Word is what I need...

I will follow my brothers and sisters who listen to your Word in Christ...in Jesus my Liberator...

Jesus has freed me from all the garbage of the world...he cleared my heart...

He continues to do so... even now...

He showed me how, in your Word Lord...

You, Father have answered me in my distress...protecting me since I gave my heart to you...

You have always sent me help in your own way, not my way...I realize that your way is the best way, best proportioned and balanced...

You have supported me Lord since I have returned to you, just like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)...

I was once lost Father, disillusioned by the world, deceived by spiritual systems...

Jesus swept everything aside for me, kicked out all the systems and opened the door of pure faith in you Lord...

Jesus helped me enter in your house Father...I am deeply grateful...

Even though there are systems and religions out there that deceive and disconnect, I stay the course Lord...my spiritual signals are tuned-in to you Father...

Though Satan is deceiving billions with systems of religion that seemingly worship you...achieving to create religions full of systems and rituals that look impressive but have no contact with you...

(Defeat Satan by learning what he really uses against you...his secrets now exposed...a free read for you.)

I choose to Liberate myself in Christ, and to feel my relationship with you Lord...

And to feel your victory in my anointing...

To sense the winning power of your Hand in my entire life...

I will trust my current and future success in you Lord and not in the success of objects and earthly things...

Those of us in Christ who learned to stay in-touch with you will stand tall and firm...

Like a bright and shining beacon in the dark...

You bring me victory Lord every time I call, and I remain grateful...

Thank you Father...

(from GM Evagrius)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Father God,

I don't want to complain, or express my dissatisfaction...I am already loved by you.

I don't want to tell you about what is missing in my life, the things that I think that I deserve...You are supplying me Lord...

I don't want to talk about my enemies, be they within me or others...you defend me...

I don't even want to tell you about any circumstances that discomfort me...and there are plenty...

You extract me from all discomfort...

No, today's daily communication prayer to you Father is about you...

I tend to forget the great things you have already done...the earth, the sky, the colors, the living things, and all things in this universe...

They express your glory Father, your glorious handywork...

The Evil Satan tries to distract me away from you, cut-off my spiritual signal...

(A further discussion on Satan here...)

But you have me protected, if only I remember to gaze at your miraculous creations that surround me...

If I can only gaze with amazement when we contemplate you...of the things that you have done for me...

If we all would see your marvelous handywork from the smallest of things to the largest...the world would then understand you are already blessing us...

If we only did that, then the world would become a different place...a place of total peace and security...

We try to create religions and rituals and methods to express ourselves to you...we have failed miserably to establish real contact with you Lord.

Religion does not make contact with you...

It may help start me on the right foot...the core basics...

In the end, it is my heart that makes contact with you...I thank Jesus for letting me know this...

I thank my forefathers who kept the way that Jesus taught, and showing me...

I thank you Lord for taking me by the hand and leading me to the answer I desperately needed: getting to be in-touch with you directly with no fanfare and rituals...

I thank you Father for bringing me back when I abandoned you and fell into despair, with no one to help my inner being...

I reach out to you Father with my sincere and honest heart...

I gaze at your work, and I see the glory in each of them...the sky, the stars, the trees, the grass...

Everywhere I look, I see your work, and I am amazed at the beauty and complexity...

There is no human ingenuity that can come close to what you have done...

Everything you have done is in perfect balance...

Yet I am not perfect, I make mistakes...

Forgive me for that Lord, forgive my intentional and unintentional mistakes...

I strive to keep my contact with you Lord...

To remain in your nurturing...

To stay in favor...

In blessing...

In Love...

So you can gaze on me and feel happy with me Lord...

Thank You Father...

(from GM Evagrius)

Friday, December 14, 2012


I was thinking in these days before Christmas on your ability to favor a pure and sincere heart...

Like Mary, Jesus' earthly mother who you chose to be the platform in which the Savior would arrive and eventually save us all...

I read that when the angel Gabriel was sent to convey a message to Mary that she was chosen to bring the Savior into the world, Gabriel said that she was "highly favored by the Lord (Luke 1:26-28)..."

This isn't the only place where I have seen God's favor operate in the world...

Actually your Favor is everywhere Lord...I only need to reach out to you...

Your Savior (Jesus) showed us how to do it, how to reach out to you Lord...

I am doing it now...my spirit reaches out to you in this daily communication prayer...

I want to declare that I am sending out my heartfelt spiritual signal to you Lord, longing for contact...

My spiritual frequency is zeroed-in to you, open to receive a signal back from you...

I know that your favor sometimes comes when I don't expect it...yet I find that it is enough that I am sending you my signal in an honest and heartfelt way...I know that all things will fall into place...

I also know that the Evil One is always conspiring to have me disconnected from you so that I don't receive your favor...

And the Evil One has so many ways to keep me away from you Lord...

(See how Satan does it without you realizing it...a must read...free report)

But you have shown me favor Lord...

You have shown me what makes the devil so powerful...

The secret weapons that he uses before all else to start disconnecting me from you...

I detect it now...and let me tell you Lord, Satan has so many ways to disconnect me, too many for me to handle...

But you have shown me favor Lord...

You've shown me how he does it, the real way he does it...

And now I can detect his plots against me...

I detect him testing my defenses...

I detect him trying to infiltrate my mind in moments of weakness...

I detect him trying to infiltrate my mind in moments of strength...

He tries to infiltrate me during the good times and the bad...there is nothing that Satan cannot do to disconnect me from you Lord...

But you have shown me favor Lord...

You shed light into my mind...

I can see what the Evil One is intending to do...and now I can choose to my way...

During the good times and the bad, I know that you favor me Lord...

I can't do this on my own though Father...

Through your favor, and spiritual support, you enable me to stay on-track...

You give me the energy and the understanding to stay the course if I choose to...and remain in your favor...

I choose to stay on-course Father, and continue to receive your favor...

Thank you Lord...

(from GM Evagrius)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Good Morning Father...

I wake up this morning a little lazy, as usual...but I am set to reach out to you with my spiritual signal...

Yes, my thoughts could start out by thinking what I have to do during the day, but instead I decided that I want to start the day thinking of you...

It is a communication that is heartfelt...

I know you expect all of us to be mindful of you, knowing that you are there for us behind the scenes...

I know your way is to care for us, releasing miracles and spiritual nourishment for everything that we do Lord...

You override any challenges that may come our way and allow problem-free progress to come into our lives...

And all you want us to do Father is to be mindful of you...knowing that you are there and listening for our signal, our communications, our heartfelt intentional prayers of acknowledgement...

That you are there for us...supporting and strengthening our spiritual ability to remain in contact with you Lord...

You then fill our souls with song, inner joy, an energy boost that carries us throughout our day...

Tirelessly moving forward through the day, steady and strong, unwavering in our contact with you Father because your wish for our lives is to remain balanced in whatever circumstances we encounter...

And there can be plenty of things we may need to deal with today: at work, at home,
issues with the job, money, personal issues, whatever...

The Evil One is always lurking around, hiding in the shadows, waiting for our mindsets to become heavy, discouraged, threatened by circumstances...

Satan is looking for situations that may cause us to doubt you Lord, to lose our confidence in  your promises...

To lose trust in you...

(Satan's secret campaign is now revealed to you here...change your life and forever remain with the Lord by exposing Satan's real weapons against you...)

For those us who know his real evil weapons against us Lord, we shall remain untouched, unwavering, unmoved...

We shall continue to reach out you with our hearts Lord, our spiritual signal focused on you...

The sense of expectation of contact, the hope of revelation and blessings, the trust that we are anointed and cared by you Father...

We shall remain untouched Lord...

And for those of us who know what this life is all about, we shall reap the rewards in purity and full of gratitude to you...and truly enjoy the fruits of our labours...

Thank You Lord...

(from GM Evagrius)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I am detecting challenges in my life...issues at work, some personal issues, thoughts of doubt about myself, a bit of insecurity...

I sense fear trying to overwhelm me...

A sense of emptiness and lack of ambition hovering over me, waiting patiently to find an opening in me and invade my spirit...

The sense of loss, the potential of falling behind in my progress...

The common denominator: losing control in everything and drifting without purpose, without meaning...

My daily prayer this morning Father is about detection...

I detect a certain weakness in my thoughts...

I detect weakness...discouragement...

I detect that the Evil One, the devil, is seeking out an open window to invade me and destroy me from within...

But I declare this morning that I do see it...

And as I get closer to the day we set aside to remember what you did for us Lord (Christmas), I declare in your name and the name of Jesus one word:


I declare Victory today Lord!

I stand victorious because I have detected clandestine attacks from Satan...

You've shown me how to detect them...

(Read the book "The Defeat Of Satan: Satan's Weapons Of Total Chaos...Exposed" and find out how...free book)

And by your Word Father, I can declare victory over all circumstances in my life...

And I do it by being tuned-in to you Father...

I am mindful of you...

I am reaching out to you in body-mind-soul...

Reaching out to you with purpose, with meaning...

A sincere and heartfelt outreach...

I am sending out my signal to you Lord, a signal of longing to make spiritual contact...

I know that I am already connected to you...I just need to dial you up, send my signal to your channel...

I also understand how the Evil Enemy tries to bring me down with his secret weapons...

I know you sense my pain and worry...

You know my circumstances every day...I just need to acknowledge that you are there and no  longer worry about anything because you are already taking care of it...

All I need to do is acknowledge that fact...the fact that you are here, now, taking care of me...

And all things will fall into place...

I declare Father that you are here this morning and all day, with me, and everyone else...

I declare that you are taking care of all things for me while I maintain my signal to you, tuned-in to you Lord...

You are showering me with healing, God-given grace, improving my life, with Jesus looking on...

It is not by my own hand that things are falling into perfect balance...

It is you who puts my life into perfect balance Lord...all I do is stay tuned-in to you and rejoicing the fact that you showed me how...

Your Spirit shed light on my understanding of this, and now I see it...

I send you my heartfelt gratitude as I start of my day with such fantastic revelation...

Thanks Lord!

(from GM Evagrius)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


A thought about the fast-approaching day of Christmas...

It's a day of remembrance for what you did for us Lord...

You saved us Father...

You opened the gates of your house for us...

You've opened it for me...

I am so grateful to you Lord...

You are letting me walk into your house...

You envelop me in your love...releasing me from all my fears...

Your goodness surrounds me...your help is never far away...

I've realized this Father...

I know that I need to journey through my life, through the various challenges I come across...

I know I am not alone in this journey...every living human being goes through the same thing...some do better at their journey than others...

Meanwhile, the Evil One is always making sure that there will be challenges to my mind-body-soul as I journey through life's circumstances...

Lord, sometimes I really don't know how I will succeed through the day...

Yes, the Evil One is challenging my dedication to you through my circumstances...

(See Satan secret weapons at work against you...eye-opening revelation for you, a must-read...)

But as I think of your work in Christ, and the things you've already done for me, I cannot help but feel saved...

All I need to do Father is tune-in to you, send out my spiritual signal to you, focused on to you...you've proven it to me Father already...

Yes, by my own heartfelt trust in your ability I let you into my life Lord....I let you into my issues and circumstances, and I awaited salvation with humility and quiet anticipation...

I just let go to you Father, helpless and thirsty for someone to reach out to me...

You reached out to me Lord, enveloped me in your embrace...

You fought off my issues and circumstances in an instant...you changed the course of my life...

You are avenging me Lord, subduing all that stands against my connection to you Father God...and saving me from my enemies (be it my own self-defeating thoughts, or outside influences)...

You have risen me above my enemies, and have rescued me...and you continue to save me everyday of my life...

You are keeping your covenant with me Lord, even though I may not be doing so at times...you are the most dedicated person I know...to me and my family...

I declare my love, gratitude and commitment to you Lord as I position myself to enjoy the day in spite of the challenges ahead...

I know that I will prevail with you by my side...

Thank you Lord...

(GM Evagrius)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello Lord!

The week always seems to begin with all kinds of challenges big and small...

That's not big news of course...challenges are with me until the end of my days...

Yet in this morning's daily communication prayer to you Lord, I declare that I will not be afraid of my challenges today, or the rest of this week...

Your blessings in Christ defend me...and I feel embraced and exalted in your presence...

Such a feeling is the highest of highs...

With you God with me, who can stand up against me?

I will pursue my enemies, be they circumstances, people, or even my own inner self...I will run without end...

To pursue and overcome all that confronts me...

I will crush them all so that they will no longer rise...I will see them fall at my feet, defeated...

The Evil One shall not go away undetected...I have detected his secret weapons against me, and I am now in pursuit on a spiritual campaign...

(See Satan's secret weapons kept from your sight...exposed here, a free read to enjoy...)

You have armed me with strength and wisdom Father...

My enemies are all humbled and in retreat...and no one is there to help them...

I continue to pursue my challenges and trample upon them spiritually...and all else follows, everything falls into place...

And it's all because of you Father, no one else...and Jesus of course...

Thanks Father...

(GM Evagrius)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Good Sunday to you Lord!

I woke up today feeling rested and well, but with a sense of worry in my mind...

Just a lot of things creeping up in my thoughts that are tempting me toward worry and insecurity...as if I am no longer receiving any anointing, or blessings from you Lord...

It's almost an anxiety thing actually...

A fear...not having enough, not being careful enough, not being money-wise enough, not being good enough...things like that.

But I know what is going on Father...I detect an attack from the Evil One who is trying to set inside of me a feeling of guilt for not doing enough to better my situation...

It's a thought-word-deed attack...he is attacking me in my vulnerable spots, about the things I tend to worry the most...

And when he gets a foothold in there, boy can he start creating havoc in my life (I can't imagine what he's doing to all the others in the world)...

Satan is trying to steer my subconscious concentration away from you Father...aligning my spiritual signal to earthly concerns...trying to tune me away form you...

He's clever...he is using other human beings (not in a bad way necessarily) to re-align me, to do things that he knows may trigger some void in my soul that he can attack...

But I detect it Lord...you've trained me well...you've enabled me to detect Satan's attacks, his secret weapons and clandestine plots against me...

(Satan secret weapons of all time are now exposed to you...a must-read book...a gift to you)

I just love the way you trained me Lord...

You have spoon-fed me so that I can absorb all that there is to know...

With Jesus as the gentle coach, I know that I am always with you when I am tuned-in to you...mindful of you Lord...

I get my inspiration and supply from your blessings and spiritual energy you provide me Father...

Jesus showed me how Lord...and my life has become a peaceful, yet meaningful affair...

I know that I am a branch of the vine (John 15: 5)...so I get supplied, fed, nurtured...

I can sense in my soul that I am connected to you...just like the branch to the vine...

In my life I have seen how circumstances have been re-aligned toward blessings and increase...all because I am tuned-in to you Lord in heartfelt love and gratitude...

When I am mindful of you Lord, I raise up all my issues and concerns to you, and you take care of them...you save me Lord...

You keep me going Lord, enable me to do great feats in all areas of my life...almost larger than life actually...

And my enemies are dumbfounded...

I can do no wrong when I am mindful of your wisdom Lord...

A can still enjoy life as it is offered to me, yet within the limits that do not disconnect me from you Lord...

When I see how a well-balanced life can be with you at my side Lord...well, what can I say...

Your way is perfect, flawless...

You are the perfect shield behind which I take refuge...my Rock, my supplier of all good things...

You give me strength to overcome my issues...you keep my path clear, even when my path seems blocked-up...

I feel enlightened, able to do seemingly impossible things...

I advance, I gain...I can fight great battles of body-mind-soul, and I emerge a champion...

I do this because your Spirit sustains me Lord, your help supports me Father God...

Your Help has made me great...

Unlike other who say that your path is narrow...no Father, your path is broad, wide and clear...

This is the path I choose to take Lord...

And Father, if by any chance I fall weak, and I cast some doubt in you because of my circumstances, I declare to you in this daily communication prayer to you to help me with my doubts, any worries or anxieties, any regretful actions I may have done...

I believe you are there and listening Lord as I send out my heartfelt and sincere love-signal to you...

Thank you Lord...

(GM Evagrius)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lord God,

I'd want to start my daily communication prayer this Saturday morning with a thank you for being with me...

You have not abandoned me...you defend me...

You stuck with me, even when I don't think of you...because you already know that I will come back to  you...

It isn't done on purpose Father...I get distracted with life's circumstances and it takes my concentration away from you sometimes...

But I am conscious that I am away from you...I detect it...

You have trained me Lord to remain in contact with you...even without words Lord, I send out a signal from my soul out to you...

My own spirit has been activated Lord, a constant beacon sending out a signal to you Father...

It is a signal of longing, of desire just to be in contact with you spiritually...to be tuned-in to you...

And I am tuned-in to you Father, 24/7...

Even though distractions and complications try to get in the way, I remember Lord...

I remember our spiritual, personal relationship...

Even when the Evil One tries to break me away from you, I remain in-tune with you...or at least I know how to get back to you...

(Satan uses secret weapons against you. Find out for yourself what they are...free book)

I know Father that you remain faithful to me...even though I may not be faithful to you all the time...

You know my heart Father...I play no tricks with you...if I am distracted away from you, it is not by choice...

My human side sometimes gets distracted...

I think you know my heart Lord...

You still remain faithful to me, I see it in my daily life, the goodness that comes my way...you defend me...

I am not rich, but you always supply what I need...generous supply...

You keep me healthy and strong...

You set my mind to be strong, to do the right things so that your blessings can come through...

You keep me on the right track because I desire to be on the good side...and you help me with more blessings, more favor and increase...

You also keep me watchful for circumstances that can disconnect me from you Lord...

You trained me well Father, yet I am not perfect...that's my fault, sorry about that...

As my body needs food to live, you also supply my soul with spiritual nourishment...

Yes Lord, you are the fuel that keeps me going...

With your support Father, I am able to go through life fearless and with humble gratitude to you...

I can enjoy life the way you want me to...not crazy, drunk and sinful, but enjoy its fullness...

I can go biking, swimming, skiing, watch a movie, go to a restaurant...it's all good, and done in the way that it does not disconnect me from you...

I am so pumped up when I live this way, with you beside me...

I feel alive and three-dimensional...

Problems never stop, but you are there with me forever Father...I just need to be sure I am tuned-in to you...

Thanks Lord!

(GM Evagrius)

Friday, December 7, 2012


My life today will be a continuation of yesterday's journey...staying tuned-in you in spite of the challenges of everyday life...

I might find myself dealing with new circumstances, new mountains to overcome...or it may just be an uneventful day...

But whether today will be fun or boring, active or quiet, emotionally charged or plain ordinary...

I declare in my daily communication prayer to you today Lord that I shall remain faithful to you.

I know that the Evil One will attempt to cut me off from you Lord by using my mind and my circumstances to forget you, put you aside...prioritize my day's responsibilities...

(Find out how the Evil one does it, his secret weapons against you, a must-read...free book)

But I am now sensitized, aware...

My radar is on, I can detect the enemy...

I may not be able to stop the challenges thrown against me, but I know that I've been plugged-in to you Lord since the day I was born...you've given me the ability, you have chosen me to understand...

I know now that I have had the ability to send out a communication signal to you...I've always had it...

I only needed to send out a signal to you through a heartfelt and sincere heart...and then watch your anointing and blessings come through for me...

Wow, that's fun!

It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling...

I may not be a millionaire...who cares when you are providing everything I need!

When my heart is sincere and heartfelt, I feel liberated and secure...

Your Spirit Lord reaches out to me and embraces my existence...

You save me from all enemies, be they people or circumstances...

For sure I am challenged personally, my mindset tested...

Circumstances trying to overwhelm me, trapping me in a spiral of earthly problems with seemingly no way out...

But as I declared earlier, I declare now that I remain in your anointing, blessed and boldly seeking you out Father...my soul reaching out to you...

You defend me Lord, I know this...

You have adjusted my mindset with your gift of blessing, supplying me with favor, planting increase in my life...

You have chosen to clean me up, set me on a firm foundation...

You are my foundation Lord...

You are my dependence...

You are my addiction...

Love you Lord...

(GM Evagrius)

Thursday, December 6, 2012


It's been a busy morning...but I was always tuned-in to you, expecting your anointing and blessings...

Even when I'm neck-deep busy, either at work or at home...

Even if I am plagued with various challenges...

Even when I am emotionally hurt...

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I declare today in this daily communication prayer to you Lord that I remain spiritually in-contact with you...

I love you Father God...

You've always been my rock and fortress in my times of trouble and doubt Lord...and there have been plenty of times I've been doubtful...

But you have always been steady Father...

I understand that sometimes you let me hover in my troubles to see if I remain steady and loyal to you...

Sometimes it feels that I am abandoned...

I do realize that the forces of Evil are trying to steer me away from you, disconnect me...

But I am sensitized Lord...whatever is negative in my life, I detect it as a distraction-attempt from the Evil forces...

I declare my daily communication prayer this morning Father that you remain my rock...

You are my refuge and my shield...my stronghold...

I sense a joy when I know this in my heart Lord, and I remain expectant of blessings and increase in my life...

In Jesus, the Savior you sent to us all, you showed me your loving intentions, and I accept your love...

Sometimes it is tough-love...steering me away from living only a natural life, and getting me to live both a natural and spiritual life...

It makes me think, opens my eyes, the dark becomes bright...things become balanced...

You are training my mindset...

You are shaping me in your image, the way you want me to be...your sprinkle anointing and blessings to boost me up...

I feel the surge...

It feels as if I am nourished, I get energized...

Thanks Lord in making me know this in my sincere heart...

I am grateful that you are with me today...my constant companion.

(GM Evagrius)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Good Morning Father!

Always nice to have these moments of communication prayer with you Lord, although I want to tell you that I try to stay tuned-in to you all day long even without words...just a feeling of reaching out to you with a sincere heart, with the anticipation of blessings and anointing coming from you...

I trust that you are with me all the way...

Yesterday Father I had challenges in my life that could have developed into other problems as well...even as I journey through life with my thoughts tuned-in to you, there are always circumstances that the Evil One can engage against me from an angle that I could not anticipate...

Yes Satan tried to sabotage my life-balance, and almost made me forget you Father; I almost did not detect it because emotions took over, and sometimes the human factor can overtake the divine factor...

(This free book can reveal how Satan uses his ultra-secret weapons to sabotage your faith...)

Forgive my moments of weakness Lord...

I always depend on your anointing power...

Yet sometimes when I feel I can go at it alone without your help, I find myself getting into the earthly distractions that can unbalance the joyful bliss of my journey here on earth with you...

These moments of disconnection from you Lord are not so pleasant because other voids open up and cause an emptiness in me that can be filled with earthly pleasures...

I know that these earthly pleasures Lord are all temporary fixes; the inner void cannot be filled through the natural...there is the danger of getting addicted to the natural and totally ignoring the supernatural...

I know this, yet I sometimes fall into anger, jealousy, envy, insensitivity...

At the same time Father, you've enable me to detect the incoming assaults...thanks your coaching Lord, it is paying off...

I am remind through your Word in Jesus that I am able to stay out of the darkness and remain in the light of life (John 8:12)...

I know that through anointing and incoming blessings, I can remain in the light, and enjoy all the goodness the world can offer, so long as I am tuned-in to you Father...

You make all things balance out for the better Lord...

It brings me hope, knowing that you are always there to help me...

My natural experience in life, and your supernatural help are making my journey fun, especially when I realize that all things are manageable in me with your help...

I offer you my gratitude Lord this day...

(GM Evagrius)

Monday, December 3, 2012


This morning I have two choices as my mind awakes to a new day:

Either I start the day with expectant anointing of blessings...

Or I allow the forces of evil to overtake me and fall into the trap of a defeated mindset...

(See the sophisticated secret plans that Satan unleashes against you...)

In my daily communication prayer this morning, I choose to be anointed Lord...

I select voluntarily to be at your side Father, in-contact with you with heartfelt love and gratitude knowing that we are together...

With Jesus as my coach and my bread of life (John 6:35), I know Lord that I shall not go hungry today...

I will not desire anything because I will be given the blessings to keep me satisfied...whatever that blessing is...

This way I can celebrate my own existence with you Father, joyful like a kid in a candy store...

My life will be a celebration today...anointed.

My loved ones will feel the goodness in their lives...

My tasks at work will be fun...

My interactions with others will be pleasant...

My challenges and problems (when they might arise) will be effortless...

My life today will be quenched, not thirsty...

Increase is expected in all good things in my life...starting now.

Just one thing Lord that is left unsatisfied: my thirst for you remains unquenched...

When I think of it, there is a never-ending thirst in staying tuned-in to you Lord...

Therefore I strive to keep my contact with you alive...I am sending out the signal of contact Lord...

I keep myself tuned-in to you...my heart and mind reach out to you...

I see myself having entered the gates of your house...I sit at the steps of your porch...

I feel secure there, belonging in your presence...

Nothing can come against me Lord when I sit in your presence...

All things fall into their logical place as I am drenched in your anointing...

I am ready for the day Father...

(GM Evagrius)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hello Father,

My daily communication prayer to you today is not too complicated...

Today, Sunday, I just want to say thank you for being there for me...

I also want to thank you for all the brothers and sisters in Christ who are also running the good race of faith as I do...

But my thankfulness does not stop there Lord...

I want to thank you for the people who have contributed to our progress in life: the teachers, the doctors, the politicians, the accountants, the nurses, the architects, the secretaries, the janitors, the computer developers, the police, the army, the pilots, the warehouse workers, the construction guys, the firemen, etc...I thank you for them all for serving our society and community with their energy...

I pray for their well-being and hope that they too have been touched by the seed of Jesus so that they can enter into your house Father to enjoy a close personal relationship with you...

I thank the businesspersons, car dealers, the mechanics, the parts suppliers, the manufacturers...etc, all people from all walks of life I thank you for being there...

It doesn't matter if I know them personally or not...it doesn't matter; I only hope that they too feel the closeness of your love Lord, and feel your Spirit rushing through them as I had felt...

I declare this day then that your Spirit be felt by everyone on the planet, and that with this rush of your Holy Spirit, all shall feel the remarkable ease of entering your domain through Jesus...the Simplifier, the Uncomplicator of the complicated...

That's all for today Father as I celebrate you one more day...

(GM Evagrius)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Good Saturday Lord!

Thanks for being with me during the past week...

As usual, it was a hectic week, challenges galore...!

But, my mind was tuned-in to you Father...thanks to Jesus, my coach...

This daily communication prayer to you is a gesture of thanks Lord...gratitude for your mindfulness of me...

Staying in-touch with you Lord is as important to me as the air that I breathe...

Your forgiving nature,  your patience with me is extraordinary...I think you are awesome!

You are not a malicious God...

You are not a dictator...

You are not a savage, heavy-handed God...

You are a patient Father, the wisest I've ever known...

I declare this openly because I know you are listening to me Lord....

I am not communicating with hate in my heart, but a desire to stay tuned-in to you...

Just look into my sincere heart Lord, you see it yourself...

I know you see something interesting in me; I know it because you are testing me in my journey of life, quizzing me to see if I continue to stay tuned-in to you Lord...if I am real to myself.

Yes, there are circumstances out there that get in the way of my relationship with you Lord...

Yes, I do get sidetracked and distracted at times...

The temptations out there are great, and the Evil One is always ready to infiltrate some kind of weakness in me...

(Exposing Satan's actual weapons against you...free report)

But so far Father, I'm keeping in step with you...

Since I was reborn in you Lord, I've held the path....

I haven't stumbled...

It's amazing Father: you do answer my communications...

Maybe you are not granting me a lottery (LOL), but that's not what you do unless there is good reason for it....

You want to reward my heartfelt sincerity, in the measure that I can handle it without being destroyed...

You see me like a detailed map Lord; you know my strength and weakness....

All I can do is trust that you are doing the right thing with me, coaching me in my life-path...

I celebrate my relationship with you Lord...because I remember the objective: stay in contact with you, and resisting being cut-off from your blessings and favor.

(GM Evagrius)