Gooooooood Morning Lord (no typo error)
Top o' the mornin' to Ya!
Sorry about my excited expressions this morning Lord...
I was a bit sluggish in waking up today, a bit tired, a bit unmotivated...
Nevertheless, I know that all my goodness coming today is because of you Father...
I know that my efforts and motivations help me to get close to you, stay tuned-in to your blessings and favor...
It is true that faith without works is dead, so I know that a little motivation on my part helps the blessings come through...
You give the blessing freely Lord, but it is I who needs to make the contact with you, tune-in to receive your blessings...
If I'm not tuned-in to you, I am talking on the phone without dialling a number, disconnected.
I also know that the evil forces are bent in making me lose my contact with you Lord...
Satan and his team are always looking to find some weak spot in me, and work it to the max to get me disconnected from you...
(See how Satan uses his secret weapons against you...revealed in this free and detailed report)
But since I am aware of the plot Father, I stand ready with a changed mindset...
Father, it's amazing how a mindset changes when you are aware...
I am aware Lord...
I am always aware that you are with me all the way Lord...
I am equally aware that Satan is always trying to disconnect me Father....
But now Satan is exposed in my heart, I know what he is trying to do ultimately, and how he does it in my daily life...
So if problems are going to plague me today, I will know that it is another exercise by Satan to take me cut me off from you Lord...
But you Father are my rock on which I stand on, unshakeable...strong and steady.
If I falter, it isn't because of you...the fault is mine I (even though I sometimes blame you Lord, forgive my stupidity)...
You are The Rock on which all of us can stand on and feel safe...
Like a fortress Lord, I stand on top of your impenetrable walls in absolute security...even when I am attacked...
Even when I'm disappointed and sometimes feeling abandoned, I stay in-tune with you...I know this is a training session, part of my journey of life (but man, sometimes...!)...
If I am mad, I turn to you...
If I'm disappointed, I turn to you...
If problems arise, I turn to you...
If I am angry, I turn to you...
But I turn to you as a human being talking to my best friend...not playing ritualistic religion, but being real with you Lord...
I feel closer to you that way Father...
I know you understand...
(GM Evagrius)
Reaching out in daily communication prayer to God, the way He wants you to...
(Daily prayer follows after this short introduction)
What kind of prayers does God listen to?
Prayers for strength...requests for good health... for healing... for a happy marriage... help for a loved one... help for your finances... for a better life...a stable life...a peaceful life... to save your relationship...find someone special for deal with any personal problem... help you with your fears... your anxieties...your you control your emotions (such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, apathy, depression...etc.)...your disappointments...addictions (whether it's drugs, alcoholism, obsessive spending...etc.)...??
What if I were to tell you that He listens to none of that, would it shock you or even surprise you?
I hope not.
First, God listens to your heartfelt desire to communicate with Him because you love Him as your Father; words without faithful love for Him mean speaking to God because you want something for yourself means nothing...
Secondly, when you love God, you don't "pray" to Him, like some kind of formality...communicate with Him as someone you genuinely love...
This is what Daily Communication Prayer to God is all about; to teach you how to communicate with the Lord the way he wants to hear from you...
What kind of prayers does God listen to?
Prayers for strength...requests for good health... for healing... for a happy marriage... help for a loved one... help for your finances... for a better life...a stable life...a peaceful life... to save your relationship...find someone special for deal with any personal problem... help you with your fears... your anxieties...your you control your emotions (such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, apathy, depression...etc.)...your disappointments...addictions (whether it's drugs, alcoholism, obsessive spending...etc.)...??
What if I were to tell you that He listens to none of that, would it shock you or even surprise you?
I hope not.
First, God listens to your heartfelt desire to communicate with Him because you love Him as your Father; words without faithful love for Him mean speaking to God because you want something for yourself means nothing...
Secondly, when you love God, you don't "pray" to Him, like some kind of formality...communicate with Him as someone you genuinely love...
This is what Daily Communication Prayer to God is all about; to teach you how to communicate with the Lord the way he wants to hear from you...